Installation instructions:
1. Go toF-Secure.com/fi/install
– Type f-secure.com/fi/install in your browser’s address bar
1.1 Do you already have a My F Secure account?
– Log in to your My F Secure account
1.2 Enter your subscription code
– You can find your subscription code in your product package or confirmation email.
1.3 You have now successfully activated your subscription
– You do not need to reinstall F-Secure on your devices.
2. Start by creating a My F Secure account
– Create an account by filling out the form, then click Accept and create account.
3. Enter your subscription code
– You can find your subscription code in your product package or confirmation email.
4. Install your protection
– Follow the further instructions to protect your first device.
5. Remember to install on all your devices
– In My F Secure, select Add device and choose the device you want to protect. You are free to share unused licenses with your family and friends.
In case of problems, you can contact: support@f-secure.com
Yleistä | |
Luokka | Turvallisuussovellutukset – tunkeutumisen ja haavoittuneisuuden havaitseminen, luottamuksellisten tietojen valvonta |
Tuotteen tyyppi | Tilauslisenssi – 1 vuosi |
Alusta | Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS |
Jakelutietoväline | Lataus |
Lisensiointi | |
Lisenssien määrä | 10 laitetta |
Tiedot | ESD |
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